AI customer intelligence

Revenue automation for the AI era
trusted and loved by customers worldwide
23% increase in qualified booking
rate with Lace in just 30 days
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Drive higher conversions with insights into top revenue barriers

Lace brings together powerful AI and lost revenue detection to increase conversions and profit. Gain critical insights into why you’re losing business and take rapid action to turn missed opportunities into revenue.

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higher conversion rates


less time coaching

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Advanced AI insights on top of your existing tools

Enhance your tech stack with easy plug-and-play technology that provides unparalleled insights into your sales calls at scale.

advanced ai layer
+ More
dialers & CRM

Unlock revenue through AI automation

Our advanced AI technology goes far beyond surface-level analytics. Lace automates analysis of customer interactions, and uncovers critical insights that empower you to make data-driven decisions and optimize processes.

Automated lead qualification

Identify promising prospects with laser precision – Lace AI streamlines lead qualification based on your specific criteria.

No more guesswork or cumbersome manual review.

Objection handling

Turn objections into triumph – Lace automatically detects top objections so you can take necessary action to swiftly transform setbacks into opportunities.

Coach with precision

Replicate your star performers – Lace AI automatically identifies opportunities for improvement across your team with call analysis.

The result? Curated coaching playlists with samples from top-performing team members that drive rapid improvements and level up the entire team.

customer spotlight

Targeted coaching helped PipeDreams improve agent performance across the board and increase booking rates by as much as 50%

With Lace, managers and coaches can now identify persistent stumbling blocks for a CSR and give them very targeted training to improve in areas where they are struggling the most.

Dan Laufer
CEO, PipeDreams
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Experience the power of AI conversation intelligence

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